Meet Cynthia

Hi, my name is Cynthia Towne and I am now in the season of living my Bucket List Living Life.
I used to think my life was predefined to be dedicated to helping people in the medical field.
From working as a cashier at “Uncle Bills” to a Registered Nurse, to a business woman and now a social networker. I’ve been in different seasons of my life. But in many of those seasons I felt like I wasn’t doing enough.
I worked so hard to pay for college tuition, working long hours in hospitals while raising my two kids, trying to be the perfect mother & wife, exhausting myself to later build my own successful nurse consulting business. But I secretly dreamt of living my life to the fullest, doing the things I loved, finally feeling free, living my Bucket List.
Social pressure-free
I didn’t want to live from paycheck to paycheck, I wanted to put my money into a retirement savings account rather than paying bills.
I dreamt of having friends who would motivate me, people who strived to grow & improve. Somehow I felt inferior to those who had the courage and confidence to live the life they wanted.
After my husband was laid off, I realized – it was time to take action. It was time to create an additional stream of income.
Looking ahead, it needed to be something I could do remotely. But how could I do it without being tied up to one place? Work from the beach or my cozy couch?
My plan was to take an early retirement & spend more time with my family? And that’s when I discovered the power of Social Retail.  Go to Click Here to learn more
Live Your Bucketlist

My Blog

Be the Boss of Your Life!

Be the Boss of Your Life!

Are you ready to be the Boss of Your Life?  Here are 7 Steps you can begin to take NOW! 1. Set small personal goals. Create a vision as you start your own business. Make sure your goals are actionable, measurable and realistic for you. The goals can be as small as...

Time to Do What You Enjoy

Time to Do What You Enjoy

It has been wonderful this week! In fact exhilarating!  Time for connecting, creating and exercise. Less time spent on depleting activities. The last few years have involved too many depleting activities. Very little opportunity to do what I truly enjoy. You might ask...

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