The blog below is one of my favorites from last year. Enjoy.

Order a Martini Next Time

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Martini anyone? Gin or Vodka? Dry? Olives? Lemon twist? Did you know you can learn about a person based on the type of Martini they order? I’m not kidding! According to the article What Your Martini Says About You choosing Gin means you are a class act, Vodka points to individualism “if that’s what you really want.” Ordering extra olives means you are hungry, olives and a twist means you are indecisive. An Appletini signals you’re obsessed with retro drinks…haven’t been out of the house since 1998.

Then there are your hard core Martini folks. Aliza Kellerman wrote in How James Bond Destroyed the Martini  a Martini must be made with Gin.  She also has an issue with shaking rather than stirring a Martini. In the 1962 movie, Dr. No James Bond ordered a Vodka Martini,  Shaken not Stirred. The sales of Vodka went through the roof! Did you know his favorite Vodka at the time was Smirnoff?? In 2015 movie Spectre the Vodka chosen was Belvedere.

What will you order the next time? Focusing on the many choices and coming  to a final decision will certainly take your mind off your troubles even before you drink the Martini… Let’s see Gin or Vodka? What Brand? Vermouth? What kind of Vermouth? Lemon or Orange twist? Olives?  A martini or coupe glass? I love the classy look of a coupe glass! Let me know what you decide.

Once your Martini is ordered, sign up for my FREE ebook Shake Up Your Life.

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