Be the Boss of Your Life!

Be the Boss of Your Life!

Are you ready to be the Boss of Your Life?  Here are 7 Steps you can begin to take NOW! 1. Set small personal goals. Create a vision as you start your own business. Make sure your goals are actionable, measurable and realistic for you. The goals can be as small as...
Time to Do What You Enjoy

Time to Do What You Enjoy

It has been wonderful this week! In fact exhilarating!  Time for connecting, creating and exercise. Less time spent on depleting activities. The last few years have involved too many depleting activities. Very little opportunity to do what I truly enjoy. You might ask...
Morning Magic

Morning Magic

Do you scramble around in the morning? No specific schedule? This was me before realizing the activities  I enjoyed and were passionate about were frequently pushed aside. It’s easy to begin the day by putting out fires. The worst thing you can do is look at...
Order a Martini Next Time

Order a Martini Next Time

The blog below is one of my favorites from last year. Enjoy. Order a Martini Next Time Posted on June 13, 2018  Martini anyone? Gin or Vodka? Dry? Olives? Lemon twist? Did you know you can learn about a person based on the type of Martini they order? I’m not kidding!...
On Getting Older

On Getting Older

Shout out to those over 50. Have you noticed a change in your priorities? More desire to spend your free time on things that give you joy rather than deplete you? As a result of getting older, have you been making different choices? Chances are your energy and...
The Famous To Do List

The Famous To Do List

  Have you ever felt buried when writing out the unending To Do List? That’s been me lately. Mark off one thing and add three more. I don’t know about your list but most of my activities are things that do not thrill me. It seems as though the items on the...
2 Steps To Creating a Better Life

2 Steps To Creating a Better Life

This time of year, we put a lot of time and intention into thinking about our future. We set resolutions for the year, goals, and start to envision the things we’d love to happen to have a better life. Perhaps you’re thinking about more travel in your...