Shout out to those over 50. Have you noticed a change in your priorities? More desire to spend your free time on things that give you joy rather than deplete you? As a result of getting older, have you been making different choices? Chances are your energy and endurance have decreased. As a result, it’s necessary to be more selective with your time.

Choices usually involve doing something for yourself,  your family, or “fun” stuff with or without friends.

Doing something for yourself may involve taking a nap, going for a walk or work out, scheduling a massage, reading or watching something for pleasure.

For instance, family time may be doing things with a parent, sibling or child. Telephone conversation, going out for a meal, or a simple visit.

Fun time may be happy hour with friends, going on a vacation, playing games, or going to Disneyland.

Consequently, these 3 categories may overlap. Spending time for yourself or spending time with family may fall into the”fun” category.

Has your sense of obligation decreased? Sure, obligations will always be there. In addition, have you noticed less guilt when spending your time doing exactly what you feel like doing rather than what you “should” be doing?

I would love to hear about the choices you are making. Has being over 50 made a difference?

If you are ready to “Shake Up Your Life” download my free e Book here.

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