Have you ever felt buried when writing out the unending To Do List? That’s been me lately. Mark off one thing and add three more. I don’t know about your list but most of my activities are things that do not thrill me. It seems as though the items on the list keep me from doing things that give me joy. The suggestions below may help with prioritizing your list and making some time for joy.

When writing out your To Do List place a star* at the items that involve Money. Money is important! Do these items first and your stress level will decrease. Examples include paying bills, cancelling a reservation you no long want before it’s too late, change an order that was set up wrong, track down a missing 1099 (yes, it’s almost time to get those taxes done), and dispute an incorrect charge.  If you ignore these things it may actually cost you Money= Stress.

The second category is Health and Fitness. For example, scheduling doctor, dentist appointments, setting up a healthy meal plan, and fitting in that exercise class. Even a massage if possible! Your Health & Fitness will make a huge difference in your life. If you have children, their appointments fall in this category.

The final category is good old Miscellaneous. Things such as sending cards, purchasing gifts, travel planning, grocery shopping, and taking the dog to groomer. This list may take some prioritizing. Can it be done on line? Can it be delegated to someone else?

Along the way, you must fit in your work stuff.  Wait a minute, isn’t doing the things on my To Do List work?

There is a sense of accomplishment as you check off the things when completed. Remind yourself, “Get all of this done and then I’ll be free to do what you enjoy.”

Tomorrow, another To Do List

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